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Cellulose Filter Papers

Cellulose Filter Papers

Cellulose filter papers are versatile and diverse tools for microfiltration, that work by trapping particulates within a random matrix of cellulose fibers. Cellulose filter papers can be categorized as quantitative or qualitative, depending on their application.

Qualitative filter papers are typically used for the determination and identification of particulates in liquid and gas samples, while quantitative filter papers are primarily used in gravimetric analyses. Material Grade selection is often based on retention characteristics, flow rate, filter weight, and other specifications. View and compare all the cellulose filter paper grades in the table below.

Qualitative Cellulose Filter Paper

Grade Features & Applications Nominal Retention Thickness (mm) Weight (g/m²) Water Flow a Collection Efficiency (%, 0.3 µm DOP) Wet Strength b Absorption Speed c Whatman Equivalent
CFP 1 Environmental, soil and seed sampling, liquid/solid separation for food and beverage, photometric staining, gas detection. 11 µm 0.2 86 Medium - - - 1
CFP 2 General filtration, adsorbent conveyance, air/gas contaminant collection. 8 µm 0.17 101 Med-Slow - - - 2
CFP 3 Similar to CFP1, with tighter retention. High volume sampling, adsorbent conveyance. Medium filter for botanical extraction. 6 µm 0.32 190 Slow - - - 3
CFP 4 Prefilter, organic extractions, biological fluid separations, air monitoring. 25 µm 0.21 94 Fast - - - 4
No. 1 Fast flow rate, smooth surface, normal hardness. Retains large crystalline particles and gelatinous precipitates. Coarse 0.2 90 45 s 65% 14.3 9.0 cm 4
No. 2 Fast flow rate, smooth surface, normal hardness. Retains medium crystalline particles. Medium 0.26 125 80 s 80% 17.3 8.0 cm 1
No. 231 Moderate flow rate, smooth surface, normal hardness. Retains crystalline particles. Medium 0.18 95 130 s - - 7.5 cm -
No. 232 Slow flow rate, smooth surface, normal hardness. Retains medium to medium-fine particles. Med-Fine 0.18 90 250 s - - 5.0 cm 2
No. 131 Slow flow rate, smooth surface, normal hardness. High retention efficiencey for fine particles, like barium sulfate. Med-Fine 0.25 140 240 s 90% 19.4 6.0 cm -
No. 235 Very slow flow rate, smooth surface, normal hardness. Highest retention efficiency, retaining very fine particles. Very Fine 0.17 95 1,200 s - - 4.0 cm -
No. 101 Uniformly creped surface, high surface area. Retains large particles. Seed germination. Coarse/Gelatinous 0.21 80 50 s - - 8.0 cm -


Quantitative Cellulose Filter Paper - for gravimetric analysis and environmental monitoring

Grade Features & Applications Nominal Retention Thickness (mm) Weight (g/m²) Water Flow a Collection Efficiency (%, 0.3 µm DOP) Wet Strength b Adsorption Speed c Whatman Equivalent
CFP 40 Soil and air sample analysis, liquid food sedimentation, sample prep for spectrophotometry. 8-10 µm 0.2 85 Medium - - - 40
CFP 41 Loose retention. Prefiltration of gelatinous precipitates. Coarse filter for botanical extraction. 19-26 µm 0.22 85 Fast - - - 41
CFP 42 Gravimetric analysis of fine precipitates. 2-3 µm 0.17 140 Slow - - - 42
CFP 43 Gravimetric analysis of soil samples, water and air monitoring. 15-17 µm 0.21 85 Medium - - - 43
CFP 44 Fine precipitate analysis. 1.5-3.5 µm 0.165 85 Slow - - - 44
No. 3 Fast flow rate. Ashless. Analysis of soils, fertilizers, cement, and minerals. 5-10 µm 0.23 113 130 s 80% 19.4 7.5 cm 6
No. 5a Fast flow rate, high purity. Ashless. Filtration of hydroxides, metallic aerosols, environmental monitoring, silica content determination in steel. >10 µm 0.22 97 60 s 75% 14.3 9.5 cm 41
No. 5b Fast flow rate, high purity. Ashless. General gravimetric analysis, retention of SrSO4, BaSO4, HgCrO4, and collodial dispersions. 5-10 µm 0.21 108 195 s 90% 19.4 7.0 cm 40
No. 5c Medium flow rate, high purity. Ashless. Retains medium-fine particles, trace, and precious metals. <5 µm 0.22 118 570 s 93% 24.5 6.0 cm 42
No. 6 Ashless. Retention of medium-fine particles, trace, and precious metals. 2-10 µm 0.2 103 300 s 90% 14.3 6.0 cm 42
No. 7 Highest purity, ashless. Precise gravimetric analysis. 5-10 µm 0.18 87 200 s 85% 11.2 7.0 cm 40, 43, 540

a The time in seconds to filter 100 mL of distilled H20 at 20°C under pressure supplied by a 10 cm water column through a 10 cm² section of filter
b Height in cm of a water column that will rupture a 10 cm² section of filter paper
c Distance in cm that water will travel in an upright strip of filter paper in 10 minutes at 20°C

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